Published on July 10, 2024

Acessa Procedure at Silver Cross Hospital Now Another Option for Women Suffering with Fibroids

Dr. Gamilah Pierre
Dr. Gamilah Pierre, OB/GYN on the medical staff at Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox, recently performed the hospital’s first two Acessa procedures. Acessa is a minimally invasive treatment alternative for women who have symptomatic fibroids and would otherwise require a myomectomy or hysterectomy.

Women who suffer from uterine fibroid tumors know the discomfort from bleeding and the pain they cause. 

“But, believe it or not, there are some women who prefer to go through this rather than consider a hysterectomy,” said, Dr. Gamilah Pierre, board-certified obstetrician gynecologist at Silver Cross Hospital in New Lenox. 

“It is very emotional. Or maybe they want another baby. There are other options, but now, there is another tool we can offer that is much less invasive and allows them to keep their uterus, and it’s called Acessa.” 

What is Acessa?

The Acessa procedure, also known as Laparoscopic Radiofrequency Ablation for Fibroids symptomatic fibroids, is a minimally invasive outpatient treatment that destroys living fibroid tissue using a thin needle through two small abdominal incisions. 

The energy used during the procedure heats the fibroid tissue causing it to soften and shrink over time. This allows fibroid symptoms such as heavy bleeding, pressure or pain to improve with no suturing of the uterine tissue. Additionally, the body’s natural process gradually reabsorbs the fibroid into surrounding tissue in the uterus. 

The Acessa procedure is unique among fibroid treatments in that it allows patients to keep their uterus; patients can return to work (usually within a week) and there is minimal discomfort after the procedure. 

Acessa has been available in the Chicago area, but Dr. Pierre recently performed the first two procedures at Silver Cross. 

An Acessa proctor was in the operating room with Dr. Pierre’s team for both procedures, which she said she appreciated, as were her team members who vied for the opportunity to assist with the new technique. 

She has performed many fibroid removals robotically, but Dr. Pierre said that can be very tricky depending on the size and location of the fibroids. Using the radiofrequency ablation to begin shrinking the fibroids is much easier, she said.  

The procedure can take as little as 45 minutes, depending on the number and location of the tumors. Dr. Pierre said the two patients at Silver Cross – one in her late 30s and the other in her early 40s – spent about an hour in recovery and went home the same day.

 “The fibroids might shrink a little right away; the two patients said they could feel some relief within a few days,” said Dr. Pierre. “But the fibroids usually continue shrinking for several months. We do a follow-up ultrasound to determine that.” 

Is Acessa Right for You?

Dr. Pierre said the Acessa procedure isn’t for all fibroid sufferers, especially those with larger tumors. But what attracted her to the procedure in the first place is that it is another tool, a minimally invasive procedure at that, for which Silver Cross is well-known. 

And that’s important when discussing the options available to patients, Dr. Pierre said. 

“You have to remember all patients with fibroids are different. Many women do not want to lose their uteruses. Others say, ‘I don’t want to think about these fibroids ever coming back. Do the hysterectomy.’ 

“Then, there are some who do nothing and suffer because they think a hysterectomy is the only option. 

“I will talk with my patients about where they are in life and what they want. It’s important we do what’s best for them. And I love having Acessa as another option for them. We have a few more procedures scheduled in a couple weeks.” 

To learn more about the benefit of the Acessa procedure, or to schedule an appointment with an Acessa-trained physician at Silver Cross, visit

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